Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Desire & Fulfillment

My name is Desire.
Come fulfill me.
Seek my nooks and crevices, my many nuances.
Fill me with sensitive flesh and intuitive spirit.

Like the sun you seek to give?
Like the needy earth I shall absorb
Your every ray of light and warmth.

Like the breeze you seek to blow?
I shall gratefully inhale your every fragrance.

Like rain you seek to fall?
I shall lie below, arms outspread,
Face upturned, mouth open
And soak you with my thirsty flesh and spirit.

Come flow as the blood in my veins.
Come extinguish the fire that is I
For my name is Desire.

My name is Fulfillment.
Come desire me.
Seek my fingers and tongue,
And so many nuances of flesh and spirit
That wish to reach you within,
Satisfy your longing body, your craving soul.

I am your sun.
Allow me to gently warm and illumine you.

I am your forest breeze,
Bringing distant memories of the dreams you forgot to dream.
Inhale deep, know me
And you shall find yourself within.

I am the stormy lashing rain.
Do not shelter from my force.
Receive me gladly on your face, your body and soul.
Do not turn from me in fear and aversion.
Take all that I have to give.

Come absorb me.
Let me remain only as
The wetness of your flesh
The blood in your veins.
Let me become your every breath,
Every pleasure every pain.
Let me become you.

Shrink not from me, from your deeper self.
With a knife that is
Beyond kindness or cruelty, right or wrong,
Your bonds I shall sever,
Set you free to fly.

Look into my eyes,
Gaze deep, deeper
Until you see yourself within.
Enter and meet yourself,
Embrace yourself.
In a blaze of light,
Engulf and extinguish me
For my name is Fulfillment.

I call I endlessly seek
And so do you
But, ah… we know the truth:
Two faces of the one spinning coin called Existence,
We pursue each other but can never meet
For our names are Desire and Fulfillment!

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